Lana Kessels

PhD Student


In 2019, I received my BSc degree in Chemical Engineering and Chemistry from Eindhoven University of Technology. My Bachelor's end project involved the fabrication of water-responsive liquid crystalline flakes and the incorporation of these in a host to create 3D-printable optical sensors. After the Bachelor, I continued with the Master Chemical Engineering at the TU/e with the track Molecular Systems and Materials Science. For my Master's thesis, I joined the M2N research group and under the supervision of prof. René Janssen and Alessandro Caiazzo I worked on “2D perovskite solar cells based on powder and crystal precursors”, combining synthesis with the characterization of the perovskite material. I completed my MSc in 2022 with a five-month internship at Fibrant, Geleen, conducting experiments on the physical properties of ammonium sulfate and analyzing marketing strategies.
Currently, I am a PhD candidate in the M2N group. My project focuses on the optimization of thin-film perovskite and hybrid-perovskite based photovoltaic cells.