Bruno Pinto Branco

PhD  Student


In 2018, I obtained my MSc. Degree in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering at NOVA University of Lisbon, Portugal.

For my master thesis in 2018, I decided to go as an Erasmus+ exchange student to Technische Universiteit Delft under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Ir. J. Ruud van Ommen. During this time, I worked with molecular layer deposition (MLD) of polyester films on both TiO2 and protein particles using a fluidized bed reactor. The polyester films were deposited using different combinations of precursors: dichloride and diol, dialkyl diester and diol. The influence of the polyester coating on the particles was studied by photocatalytic tests of TiO­­2 and dissolution tests of protein particles.

In January 2019, I started my PhD as one of the early stage researchers from eSCALED project under the co-supervision of Prof. R.A.J. Janssen (TU/e) and Prof. Dr. rer.nat. Andreas Friedrich (USTUTT). My PhD project involves the development of a novel artificial photosynthesis device by connecting a fully printed membrane electrode (MEA) assembly for either only water electrolysis or water electrolysis and CO2 reduction and a multi-junction solar cell that provides the required potential to carry out the electrocatalytic reactions. The printing methodologies mainly include screen printing and inkjet. The materials to be integrated are also a set of novel materials being currently developed by other eSCALED project partners.