Eline de Jong

Master Student


In 2018, I obtained my bachelor degree in Science at the Radboud University in Nijmegen. Subsequently, I continued with the master Applied Physics at the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). Part of the master program is an external internship. Therefore, I went to the University of Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania, USA) in the last four months of 2019, where I worked on nanowire devices with a potential application in quantum computers.

In January 2020, I joined the startup company Simbeyond B.V. for my graduation project under supervision of dr. Stefano Gottardi and prof. Reinder Coehoorn. Simbeyond works closely together with the M2N research group at the TU/e. My graduation project is focused on kinetic Monte Carlo simulations and experimental determination of the exciton binding energy in small molecule organic semiconductors used in organic light emitting diodes. By getting a better understanding of this material parameter, the energy levels of organic semiconductors can be calculated more accurately. This is highly valuable for predictive simulations of the performance of novel organic devices.